Privacy Policy


Privacy statement Voordeelsieraden

Voordeelsieraden considers proper handling of personal data to be of great importance and is aware of privacy legislation. This privacy statement therefore explains how your personal data is handled.

Contact details of the controller

Zilverwebsite can be regarded as the controller, as referred to in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), for the processing of your personal data. Zilverwebsite can be reached via the contact details below:

by phone




PO Box 112, 8320 AC, Urk

We may, among other things, process the following personal data about you:

  • Data such as first and last name;
  • Contact details such as address details, telephone number, e-mail address;
  • Date of birth
  • Gender (if you choose to share this with us);
  • IP address;
  • Information about your activities on our website (for example your click behavior);
  • Internet browser or device type;
  • Payment details and payment history;
  • Credit information;
  • Purchase history;
  • Order details;
  • Other personal data that you actively provide, for example by creating an account on our website;
  • Account or membership number or name;
  • Contents of correspondence.

If you place an order on our website, it is in any case required for the conclusion and/or execution of the agreement that you provide us with your name, address, telephone number, email address and bank details. If you do not wish to provide us with this personal data, we cannot guarantee proper execution of the agreement. If the processing of specific personal data is required by law, we will inform you about this as well as about the possible consequences if you choose not to provide us with this personal data.

For what purposes are your personal data processed?

We collect and process personal data for various purposes. We use the personal data we have received from you, but we can also obtain personal data from other sources. Consider obtaining data by using the Land Registry, the Trade Register or by using public sources. We process personal data for the following purposes:

  1. General customer contact

The data is used for (i) providing the information you request, (ii) contacting you about the execution of the agreement you have concluded with us and (iii) questions and/or complaints.

  1. Completion of your purchase

We process your personal data for the purpose of the agreement(s) that you conclude, will conclude or have concluded with us in order to provide you with our services and/or products and/or to provide advice about our services and products. This includes personal data to deliver our products and/or services and personal data to process your payment.

  1. Order returns

We process your personal data to process the return of orders.

  1. Customer account

Your personal data will be processed if you use the option to create a customer account. The personal data provided for the customer account will be saved so that you do not have to re-enter this personal data for a subsequent order. In addition, we store personal data about your previous orders in the customer account, so that you can easily consult them. Your customer account login details are used to secure your account on the website.

  1. Analysis of surfing, search and/or clicking behavior and personal offers

Your personal data is processed to analyze your behavior on our website in order to improve our website. In addition, your personal data are processed to offer products or services that might be of interest to you.

  1. Direct marketing

We use your personal data to send you market offers, newsletters, information surveys and invitations via e-mail, text messages, telephone calls and/or post.

  1. Risk analyses

In certain cases we can assess your creditworthiness.

  1. Reviews

If you want to write a review, you can choose whether your personal data is visible to other visitors. In principle, we keep track of which review you have written in order to improve the quality of our products and/or services and so that we can contact you based on this review to ask you specific questions.

  1. Fraud

We use your personal data to investigate, prevent and combat fraud.

  1. Legal obligation

To provide information about you to third parties if we are obliged to do so based on law or regulations. Consider, for example, investigative authorities and filing tax returns.

  1. Repair

We process personal data in order to repair products for you.

  1. (Win) promotions

If you participate in a (win) promotion, we process personal data so that we can contact you if you have won a prize or if the choice has otherwise fallen to you.

On what basis are your personal data processed?

We process your personal data if we are legally obliged to do so and when the processing is necessary for the execution of the agreement concluded with you for the delivery of our products and/or services. We may also process your personal data to pursue a legitimate interest. A legitimate interest is generally legal, financial or business in nature. We have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data in the following situations, among others:

  • to send advertisements to you as our customer about our other services and products;
  • to defend against legal claims;
  • for general customer contact for answering questions and handling complaints;
  • to present you with as much content as possible relevant to you on our website;
  • carrying out risk analyzes to determine your creditworthiness;
  • to prevent and/or detect fraud.

Finally, we process some personal data because you have given your permission for this. Such as, for example, the processing of your personal data relating to your customer account. You have the right to withdraw consent at any time. This withdrawal does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before withdrawal.


Sharing personal data with third parties

In certain cases we may also share your personal data with third parties. Forwarding personal data to third parties only takes place for the purposes stated in this privacy statement and exclusively on the basis of the principles stated in this privacy statement. For example, we may provide your personal data to the following categories of third parties in the following cases:

  1. if this is necessary for the execution of the agreement. For example, we use a third party to process iDeal, PayPal, AfterPay, VISA and Mastercard payments in our webshop and we use shipping company PostNL to deliver your order;
  2. in the event that you place an order through us with an external seller, we will provide your personal data to this seller;
  3. If you submit a product purchased from us for repair, we may use a third party to carry out this repair. If it is necessary, we will provide your personal data to this repairer.
  4. we may provide your personal data to, for example, an agency or body to check the creditworthiness of collections and/or to carry out anti-fraud checks;
  5. we may provide your personal data to, for example, website agencies and/or agencies for analyzing personal data about your website use, for personalizing and optimizing the website and communication and for displaying relevant offers and advertisements;
  6. for product reviews, we may hire companies that check messages posted on social media for acceptable language;
  7. We may use suppliers in the field of communications and marketing distribution to distribute marketing materials.

For the rest, we only provide your personal data to third parties with your prior consent, in the event that this is necessary to promote our interests or if we are obliged to do so based on legislation and/or regulations. For example, it is possible that the police may request personal data from us in the context of fraud investigations. In that case, we may be legally obliged to provide this personal data to the police.

Third parties to whom we provide your personal data are responsible for compliance with privacy legislation. We are neither responsible nor liable for the processing of your personal data by these third parties. To the extent that a third party processes your personal data on our behalf in the capacity of processor, we enter into a processing agreement with this third party that meets the requirements as described in the GDPR.

We do not transfer your personal data to a third country or international organization. 



Security of personal data and retention period

We take appropriate security measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification of your personal data. For example, we ensure that only the necessary persons have access to your personal data, that access to your personal data is protected, that every transaction carried out via the website is carried out via a secure payment system, that our website is secured using information security techniques ( such as firewalls) and that our security measures are regularly checked (by external parties). If you have the impression that your personal data is not properly secured or there are indications of misuse, for example, please feel free to contact our customer service or via

Retention period

We do not store personal data for longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this privacy statement or to comply with laws and regulations.

We do not store most personal data for longer than is necessary for the execution of the agreement, the handling of any disputes relating to that agreement and for guaranteeing the warranty on our products. The retention period we use for this is 2 years. However, some personal data must be kept longer by law. For example, we must keep certain tax documents for seven years. Finally, we retain your personal data for direct marketing until you withdraw your consent and/or object to this processing. Personal data regarding warranty obligations are kept for 2 years, for outsourced repairs of your products this retention period is 1 year.

Exercising your rights

You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. In addition, you have the right to request restriction of the processing of your personal data as well as the right to object to the processing of your personal data and the right to data portability. The latter means that you can submit a request to receive the personal data that we process from you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and/or to transfer it to an organization specified by you.

If you would like to invoke one of your rights, you can send your request to To prevent abuse, before processing your request, we may ask you to identify yourself by sending us a copy of a valid proof of identity. In this copy, screen off your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and Citizen Service Number. For example, you can use the government's 'KopieID app' for this. This is to protect your privacy.

We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, but no later than within one month. If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data, we will of course be happy to help you. If you are nevertheless unable to reach an agreement with us, we would like to point out that you has the option to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority. This can be done via the following link:

Automated decision making

There is no automated decision-making.


A cookie is a piece of information sent from a website and stored on the hard drive of the computer. When you as a user surf to the relevant web page again, the data stored in a cookie can be requested by this website to inform you of the user's previous activities.

Zilverwebsite has no partnerships or special relationships with third parties on the Internet and will only use personal information internally and for business purposes.

Changes to privacy statement

This privacy statement was last updated on December 30, 2023. We reserve the right to unilaterally change or amend this privacy statement by changing this page. You are therefore advised to consult this page regularly. If there is a material change to this privacy statement, a clear notification will follow via our website.